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DAAD Award for Martin Telwak

Argentinian student honored

Martin Telwak received the DAAD Award in 2022 for his outstanding achievements in his studies and his social commitment. The award winner from Buenos Aires (Argentina) completed the bi-national Maestría Argentino-Alemana degree program from 2020 to 2022 with great success and dedication, and since the end of his studies he has been a full-time employee at Bertrand, a supplier to Porsche, as a Project Coordinator. The Maestría Argentino-Alemana was a unique opportunity for Martin Telwak to develop his skills in an international setting and to gain a permanent foothold in the German job market.

Martin Telwak already developed his enthusiasm for the German language as a child, because Germany and especially German cars are his greatest passion. With his studies at the National Technological University in Buenos Aires, he was later able to turn this passion into a profession as an engineer in the automotive industry. Before moving to Mainz for his master’s degree, he worked as an engineer at Volkswagen Argentina S.A. in Buenos. In his spare time, his hobby is designing cars. Martin Telwak creates impressive realistic drawings and canvas prints of cars or builds car models out of wood.


A selection of his designs