In­ter­na­tio­nal Busi­ness Management M.Sc.

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In­ter­na­tio­nal Busi­ness Management M.Sc.

International Business Management – Study for a Master’s degree in English

Would you like to study in Mainz and London?

The International Business Management Master (M. Sc.) enables you to pursue international studies at Mainz University of Applied Sciences and the renowned London South Bank University (LSBU). The master's degree program offers you a systematic, comprehensive, and in-depth examination of the subject of international business. You will develop the ability to critically evaluate and assess existing theories and ideas about change in the world of international business. You will also develop an awareness and understanding of how different cultural attitudes and beliefs shape the international business environment in different regions of the world.

The Master in International Business Management is a valuable further education programme if you are aiming for a successful career in management positions on the global market. The programme is aimed at graduates with a Bachelor's degree from any degree programme. A degree in a business-related degree programme is therefore not mandatory.

At a glance

Degree: Certificate programme (Mainz University of Applied Sciences), Master of Science (London South Bank University)
Type of program: part-time
Standard period of study: 3 semesters
ECTS credits: 90
Starting semester: winter semester
Language: taught completely in English
Tuition fees: €16.000

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Application period

Winter semester 2024/2025: estimated as of now from mid-May 2024 to July 15th, 2024

As part of the Master's programme, you will not only get to know the German market, but also the British market. While you will complete a certificate programme at Mainz University of Applied Sciences in the first semester, you will spend the second semester at London South Bank University (LSBU) in the British capital, where you will also complete your Master's thesis in the third and final semester. Your degree (M.Sc.) will be awarded by London South Bank University (LSBU). By studying abroad, you will be able to improve your English language skills and engage in professional and private dialogue with international students with whom you will work on joint projects. This will also introduce you to new facets of the International Business Management Master's programme and possible careers with one of our international partners.

Curriculum in Mainz & London

The English-language, postgraduate degree program provides an application-oriented education with an international perspective and a scientific foundation. In just three semesters (15 months), you will acquire a master's degree that qualifies you for positions of responsibility in business and society on an international level. You will acquire an awareness of problems that transcends national borders, including in particular knowledge of the specifics of international relations and global interdependencies.

To establish a close practical connection right from the start, both the first semester in Mainz and your master’s thesis in London are completed while you are working, enabling you to apply your newly acquired knowledge directly to your work at your company. Thanks to the close collaboration between Mainz University of Applied Sciences and London South Bank University, you will have a smooth transition to the second semester in London, where many international students will be waiting to work with you on projects and discuss subject-specific topics.

The Master in International Business Management is a degree program that prepares you for management positions in international career fields. Regardless of the subject area of your bachelor’s degree, you can complete this non-consecutive master’s degree and also qualify for global management positions in business. Studying for the Master in International Business Management will be an international experience for you right from the start, as all classes are held in English in Mainz.


The first semester offers a combination of online classes and in-person phases and takes place part-time in Mainz. The advantage here is the close link between theory and practice. This means that you can apply the intercultural and professional skills you learn as part of your International Business Management studies directly on the job.

The modules of the 1st semester at a glance:

International Marketing
In this module, you will learn strategic and innovative marketing tools. Through international examples and group projects, you will learn how market needs are recognized in a volatile world, how global brands are developed and marketed, and how companies can react to changing customer needs, especially sustainability.

Creating Shared Value
This module combines elements of innovation management with the Sustainable Development Goals. After analyzing trends for individual industries, you will use design thinking to develop innovative ideas that are sustainable solutions to the challenges of our time.

Leadership and Human Resource Management
In this class, you will learn about the structure of a company and the various processes in the area of organizational and human resource management. You will also learn about the various functions of human resource management, including staff recruitment.

Research I: Qualitative Methods
Sound knowledge of market research is a must for every marketer. This module provides a project-based introduction to the process of market research using theoretical input. The focus is on the area of qualitative market research. In particular, you will develop the ability to investigate customer research issues using qualitative methods with the aim of providing information relevant to decision-making.

Applied Project
This module enables you to combine practical experience with the theory you have learned in your studies. In this module, you will discuss your practical experience and reflect on projects and your contribution at your own company. Students who are not studying part-time should complete an internship alongside their studies here. The internship is usually completed in an English-speaking company in Germany or worldwide at an international company.


In January, you will transfer to LSBU in London and complete your International Business Management studies there full-time. Now you will be able to concentrate fully on the curriculum and intensify your academic interactions with students and teaching staff. At the same time, you will have the opportunity to experience the culture and diversity of the British capital first-hand.

The modules of the 2nd semester at a glance:

Strategies for International Market Expansion
This module provides you with an understanding and application of international marketing concepts in different sectors and organizational forms around the world, taking into account international marketing opportunities, decision-making and strategy development. In addition, the class provides insights into the use of big data, digital analytics, and global supply chain management.

Strategy and Financial Decision-Making
This class covers decision making as a central element of all business processes and their success or failure. You will learn classical and modern theories of decision making and apply them to business and management contexts.

Research Methods
In this class you will develop research skills and knowledge relevant for the business environment. You will learn to identify a research topic, formulate clear research questions and hypotheses, develop an appropriate research method, consider ethical aspects, and analyze data correctly.


You will complete your Master in International Business Management with an independent, practice-oriented research project, which can be supervised in London and written part-time.

Your master’s thesis will draw on the skills and knowledge you have acquired to date and will be applied to a real-world scenario that adds value to an organization and achieves a real-world impact. This student-led project must address a current problem or opportunity in an organizational context.

You can relate your master’s thesis to your current professional activity or internship, or use the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of different sectors or organizations and use the project as an entry point or stepping stone for future employers. Alternatively, you may choose to explore entrepreneurial opportunities.


The curriculum in detail



High practical relevance

We are convinced that a close combination of theoretical knowledge and practical experience is crucial for the best possible preparation for a professional career. However, bachelor’s graduates who are already working also welcome the high level of practical relevance that the International Business Management Master's program at Mainz University of Applied Sciences offers them, because the learning effects are significantly greater if you are able to transfer the knowledge you have acquired into your everyday work life as soon as possible. This is why we offer the program as a part-time master’s degree for people who are working, so that our students can gather their own experience as quickly as possible and transfer it to future class assignments.

As early as the second semester, you will benefit from the high level of practical relevance of the Master in Management, which you will have experienced in the first semester in Mainz. In London, you will then study International Business Management M.Sc. full-time and focus entirely on expanding your theoretical knowledge. By studying part-time in the first semester in Mainz, you will already have gained the experience to transfer the knowledge you have acquired directly to your job and apply it in your everyday work. This will make it easier for you to acquire the content of the second semester and establish the practical relevance.

Mainz & London as places to study

During your International Business Management studies, you will experience two cities that could not be more different: The cozy Rhineland-Palatinate state capital of Mainz and the fast-paced, huge metropolis of London.


Approximately 5,700 students are enrolled at Mainz University of Applied Sciences, with around 3,100 students belonging to the School of Business. Our modern campus, adjacent to the stadium of the Bundesliga soccer club Mainz 05, is ideally situated for public transportation, with excellent connections by bus and train to the student dormitories and downtown Mainz.

The downtown district also invites visitors to sit and relax in its charming squares, while the historic Altstadt, or Old Town, is sure to enchant you with its meandering alleyways and small stores.  One of the most beautiful places in Mainz is the banks of the Rhine, where many students spend their free time, especially when the sun is shining. Whether in the beer gardens in the summer or at the Mainz Carnival in the winter, the city has plenty of special experiences in store for young people.

Mainz, famous for being the city of Gutenberg, has a lot to offer with its historic old town, its picturesque location on the Rhine, and renowned companies such as Biontech and Schott. As a typical student city, Mainz is known for its vibrant festival scene. You also benefit from its central location in the Rhine-Main region with short distances to Wiesbaden, downtown Frankfurt, or Frankfurt Airport. Explore the region during your studies in International Business Management with your semester ticket. The General Student Council also livens up student life in Mainz by organizing its own events and festivals.


London ist eine einzigartige Weltmetropole und ein aufregendes Sammelsurium unterschiedlicher Nationalitäten und Kulturen. Mittendrin liegt die London South Bank University (LSBU) in einer der aufstrebendsten Gegenden der Stadt: die Area Elephant & Castle. In unmittelbarer Campusnähe gibt es hier jede Menge zu entdecken und erleben – von den Sehenswürdigkeiten bis hin zum schwungvollen Nachtleben. Wer England auch abseits der Hauptstadt erkunden möchte, kann in einen Zug an den Bahnhöfen Waterloo oder London Bridge steigen und ist zum Beispiel innerhalb von einer Stunde in Brighton an der Küste im Süden oder in anderthalb Stunden in Cambridge.

Bekanntermaßen ist das Leben in London nicht gerade günstig. Die gute Nachricht für Studierende: Die LSBU bietet bezahlbare Unterkünfte nah beim Hauptcampus, deren Mietpreise zu den günstigsten in ganz London gehören. Zudem hält die Universität über 1 Million Pfund in Form von Stipendien und Gebührenermäßigungen zur Unterstützung qualifizierter Studierender bereit.

An der LSBU wird die Förderung der eigenen Studierenden generell großgeschrieben. Das Team der Studierendenbetreuung begleitet ihre Schützlinge von der Einschreibung bis zum Abschluss und bietet Hilfe bei vielfältigen Themen – von Technologie bis hin zu Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden.

Im Vereinigten Königreich ist die LSBU unter den Top 5, wenn es um die Berufsaussichten der Studierenden geht. Dies hat gleich mehrere Gründe:

  • Durch enge Beziehungen der Lehrkräfte zu Arbeitgebern in der Branche ist sichergestellt, dass die Inhalte stets auf dem aktuellen Stand sind, was die Bedürfnisse der Industrie betrifft.
  • Viele Kurse umfassen Praktika, in denen Sie erlerntes Wissen direkt im echten Leben anwenden und vertiefen können.
  • Die meisten Kurse sind von Berufsverbänden akkreditiert, was Ihnen einen Vorteil bei zukünftigen Arbeitgebern verschaffen kann.
  • Neben einer lebendigen unternehmerischen Gemeinschaft auf dem Campus können Sie Angebote zur idealen Vorbereitung auf Bewerbungsphasen wahrnehmen, z. B. Workshops zu Lebensläufen und Vorstellungsgesprächen.

Entscheiden Sie sich für ein Masterstudium in In­ter­na­tio­nal Business Management an der Hochschule Mainz und der LSBU in London und profitieren Sie von dieser hervorragenden Zusammenarbeit. Nach einem erfolgreichen Abschluss können Sie sich womöglich in den Strom zahlreicher Alumni einreihen, die durch das International Business Management Studium einen Job bei namhaften Unternehmen wie PwC, Goldman Sachs, KPMG und Ogilvy gefunden haben.


A modern full-time/part-time concept

If you study for the Master of Science International Business Management in Mainz and London, you can expect a modern concept that allows you to study both full-time and part-time.

In the first semester, we welcome you to Mainz, the capital of Rhineland-Palatinate. Here you will complete the first part of your studies while continuing to work. Classes are held in the late afternoons and evenings so that you can study and work at the same time. The International Business Management studies are a non-consecutive, non-specialist master’s degree, which is intended as further specialized training for additional qualifications. This gives you an even broader positioning on the global business market and predestines you for management positions at international companies.

In the second semester, you will move to London to study full-time. Here you will be able to study the subject matter in depth, complete projects with fellow students, and make valuable contacts for your professional and personal future.

The third semester is followed by your practical master’s thesis in London, which you can write while working.

This combination of full-time and part-time studies enables you to acquire comprehensive business expertise right from the start of the International Business Management Master’s degree program and apply it directly to your job. The in-depth theoretical knowledge gained in the second semester is then incorporated into your master’s thesis, which is based on a practical scenario.

Your international network

International Business Management M.Sc. at Mainz University of Applied Sciences is specifically designed for international study. This is made possible by the closely coordinated collaboration with London South Bank University (LSBU), which enables you to study in both Germany and the UK, giving you insight into both markets. You will also lay the foundations for an international career or–if you already have experience in working abroad–qualify for management positions in the global market.

You will begin your studies in Mainz, where all classes are held in English. This gives you the opportunity to further hone your language skills and add important business terminology. This is crucial if you want to survive on the international market. It will also prepare you for the second semester in London and for your thesis, which you will also write in English.

Benefit from cultural diversity

For the second semester, you will move to the British capital and attend the LSBU campus, which is well worth a visit. Here you will meet students from all over the world–as is to be expected in the melting pot of this bustling global metropolis–and experience the impressive diversity of nationalities and cultures first-hand. Gain insights into other cultures and benefit both professionally and personally from learning about different ways of thinking and interacting. These interpersonal contacts are already a valuable foundation for future jobs, because as a manager in an international company you will have to coordinate and bring together people from different cultures and countries. Learning this during your studies will make your job in a management position easier.

You can also make valuable contacts by making friends with people from all over the world. This enriches your personal life and your professional network, both of which are shaped by international diversity.

Career prospects after completing the master’s degree

Your career prospects after completing your studies in International Business Management are excellent. A wide range of professions and management positions in various fields such as consulting, marketing, finance, and human resources management await successful graduates. If you study International Business Management in Mainz and London, you will qualify in particular for management positions at international companies. In this degree program, you will learn and develop the skills required for flexible management roles in a variety of organizational cultures and functions in multinational companies.

After successfully completing a master‘s degree in International Business Management, careers in the following areas await you:

  • Finance
  • Corporate organization and structures
  • International project management
  • Controlling
  • Marketing
  • HR
  • Logistics
  •  Import/export
  • Retail chains
  • Public relations

Many alumni of the International Business Management M. Sc. have exciting careers in a wide variety of sectors and companies around the world. Because of globalization, experts in international business and markets are more in demand than ever before and every company will be grateful for the sound and highly practical expertise you have acquired.

Non-consecutive master’s degree programs are advanced study programs that do not build directly on a specifically subject-related bachelor’s degree program. In contrast to consecutive master’s degree programs, which are a continuation of the respective bachelor’s degree program and build on the content previously covered, non-consecutive master’s degree programs allow students to expand their range of knowledge or specialize in a completely new subject area.

The advantages of non-consecutive master’s degree programs are primarily their flexibility and interdisciplinary approach. They offer the possibility of opening up new career opportunities and refining your personal profile through a wide range of knowledge. They can also help you adapt your own skills to changing market requirements, increasing your competitiveness on the job market.


At Mainz University of Applied Sciences and LSBU, you can study International Business Management in a non-consecutive master's degree program to qualify for an international career in a wide variety of fields. This non-subject-specific master’s degree program is ideal for (working) bachelor’s graduates from other disciplines–who have not studied economics or Business Administration, for example–and want to move in a new direction in their career after a few years of professional experience or who want to expand their qualifications and knowledge beyond the boundaries of their original field of study.

For example, do you have a bachelor’s degree in humanities, engineering, or healthcare, and would like to acquire skills in global business management and international trade? Then a non-consecutive International Business Management degree is perfect for you! In three semesters, you will receive a solid management education with a high level of practical relevance, so that at the end you will have a valuable additional qualification for a promising international career.



In the first semester in Mainz, the lectures take place in the form of block modules with face-to-face phases at Mainz University of Applied Sciences (twice on Fridays/Saturdays for each module) and online classes (once a week in the evening and on Saturday mornings)


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Who to contact

Claudia Hensel
Prof. Dr. Claudia Hensel
Degree program director
+49 6131 628-3272
mscibm (at)