Photo: Saron Duchardt / © Hochschule Mainz

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Are you a national or international SME or a large corporation and would like to get in touch with our international students and graduates?

By partnering with our university, you have various opportunities to share expertise, attract talent, and develop innovative solutions together. Connect with our international students and graduates today and discover your high potential professionals of tomorrow!

IYPP: About Us and Cooperation Possibilities

The International Young Professionals Program serves as a bridge between companies in the Rhein-Main region and our international students.
Together with you, we aim to position ourselves, strengthen the region, and unveil the potential for future international talents. A collaboration between your company and the IYPP of Mainz University of Applied Sciences offers the opportunity to learn from each other and create synergies. Below we have listed a selection of available cooperation possibilities:

You want to provide our international students with the opportunity to undertake an internship or working student position in your company, or to write a thesis within your company? Publish your offers on our career platform JobTeaser


Share your expertise and experiences through guest lectures and workshops at our university. This allows our international students to gain practical insights into the professional world and acquire valuable skills.


You can offer company visits or excursions to groups of students. This enables students to learn about the workings of your company.


Initiate projects with University of Applied Sciences Mainz and benefit from our expertise and resources. Together with students and international partner universities you can develop innovatiove solutions, explore  new technologies, and solve relevant industry problems. (COIL*: Collaborative Online International Learning, also known as Virtual Exchange)


Get involved as a mentor and support selected international students in their personal and professional development. Through the exchange of experiences and advice, you can nurture aspiring talents and also benefit from fresh ideas.


Providing financial support to students, e.g. by means of scholarship programs, is also a possibility. This allows you to foster promising talents and position your company as an attractive employer. Find more information about our Deutschlandstipendium here or get in touch with us directly.


Enhance your company brand by sponsoring an event, such as a graduation ceremony or alumni day.


This is just a sample selection of potential cooperation opportunities. We warmly invite you to get in touch with us and discuss further types and ideas of collaboration. We are happy to create individual solutions with you.

JobTeaser for Companies and Recruiters

Find more information on how to efficiently use JobTeaser here, provided by our Career Center.

List your offers here


Despina Repa
Projektkoordination International Young Professionals Program | IO
T +49 6131 628-2501
despina.repa (at)
Caroline Sans
Projektmitarbeiterin International Young Professionals Program | IO