Research administration and visibility

The service provided by the Research & Transfer Department


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Efficient research administration and increased visibility

The Research & Transfer department is actively committed to enhancing the visibility of researchers and efficiently managing their research activities. Two significant initiatives support these goals: the research portal SciPort RLP in Rhineland-Palatinate and the implementation of a Current Research Information System (CRIS) at Mainz University of Applied Sciences.


SciPort RLP: The research portal of Rhineland-Palatinate

SciPort RLP is the research portal in Rhineland-Palatinate, operated and developed by the Center for Technology and Transfer (ZTT) at Worms University of Applied Sciences. It provides researchers from various disciplines with the opportunity to centrally manage and showcase their profiles, publications, and projects.


Interested individuals can either create a profile on SciPort RLP themselves or contact forschungsservice (at) for assistance in creating their profile.


Introduction of a Current Research Information System

Mainz University of Applied Sciences is embracing digitalization and implementing a Current Research Information System (CRIS). The CRIS is a central database that manages information on research activities such as publications and third-party funded projects. The goal is to enable researchers and research administrators to efficiently and transparently manage research information and to showcase the university's research competencies.

To ensure a standardized capture of research information, the Core Data Set Research (Kerndatensatz Forschung, KDSF) will be implemented in the CRIS. For this purpose, the HISinOne-RES software solution from HIS eG was selected, which is specifically designed to display research activities and fully maps the KDSF.

The Department of Research and Transfer is looking forward to the benefits of digitalization through the future CRIS.


Once captured, used multiple times - that is the main advantage of a Current Research Information System. Both scientists and administration benefit equally from it. Through the standardized capture and linking of research information, the analysis and evaluation of research activities are supported, research reports can be created more easily, and the visibility of the university's research activities is increased. In addition, the system contributes to a more efficient management of research activities and better collaboration between researchers and research administrators.


Research information refers to basic data about research activities and outcomes. These so-called metadata include information about projects, publications, awards, and other relevant aspects of research. In contrast, research data are the actual data collected or generated in the research process. Research information, on the other hand, describes the activities and results of research.


The Core Data Set Research (Kerndatensatz Forschung, KDSF) is a set of rules that can be used by research institutions to harmonize and standardize the reporting of research information. With the KDSF, relevant research information such as publications, third-party funded projects, or patents can be uniformly captured and managed. This makes it easier to retrieve and use this information later on. The KDSF serves as a tool to improve the quality of reporting in the field of research and to compare research information across research institutions in Germany.


Currently, there is an ongoing assessment to determine the feasibility of establishing a direct integration with SciPort RLP. This would allow for the utilization of the Current Research Information System (CRIS) as the sole data source and enable automatic data transfer to SciPort RLP. The specifics and the precise implementation of this plan are currently being developed. Further information regarding the availability of this feature will be announced at a later date.