Women in Science
Getting women established in technical professions and management positions in particular requires a comprehensive and long-term strategy. In its concept for process-based support, Mainz University of Applied Sciences starts as early as childhood and adolescence to awaken interest in technical subjects and in the best possible education – as the foundation for a later professional career. The aim is to break down barriers and inhibitions, especially among girls, so that existing potential can be unlocked and harnessed. To this end, Mainz University of Applied Sciences has institutionalized the Children’s University and Girls’ Day projects where schools and universities interact.
See the current press release of Mainz University of Applied Sciences on the advancement of women in science (in German).
Please see the German site for offers for school students, mentoring of first-semester students, the mentoring program for graduates, the Mary Sommerville program for instructors, the path to a professorship at universities of applied sciences, and the female professors program:
- https://www.hs-mainz.de/hochschule/organisation/gleichstellung/frauen-in-der-wissenschaft/angebote-fuer-schuelerinnen/
- https://www.hs-mainz.de/hochschule/organisation/gleichstellung/frauen-in-der-wissenschaft/erstsemester-mentoring/
- https://www.hs-mainz.de/hochschule/organisation/gleichstellung/frauen-in-der-wissenschaft/absolventinnen-mentoring/
- https://www.hs-mainz.de/hochschule/organisation/gleichstellung/frauen-in-der-wissenschaft/lehrbeauftragtenprogramm/
- https://www.hs-mainz.de/hochschule/organisation/gleichstellung/frauen-in-der-wissenschaft/professorinnenprogramm/
For first-year students, the university has set up a mentoring program for incoming first-semester students, and at the intersection of university and career, we offer a mentoring program for female master’s degree students, graduates, assistant professors, and research assistants. In addition, there are counseling and coaching services, including coaching for future female universities of applied sciences professors. Through the Mary Somerville teaching assistantship program, future female professors at universities of applied sciences can gain the necessary teaching experience. Newly appointed female professors can receive start-up funding and thus additional resources through the university’s participation in the female professors program.
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