[Translate to English:] Innenarchitektur – Hs Mainz

Interior Architecture

This content is only partially available in English.

Admissions requirements

  • general higher education entrance qualification
  • subject-restricted higher education entrance qualification
  • university of applied sciences entrance qualification
  • access to higher education for persons with qualified vocational training and work experience
  • access to higher education for persons who have passed a master craftsman's examination or a comparable advanced training examination
  • the passed aptitude test

Please note that the portfolio review takes place in German. Our entire studies are held in German as well. For further informations please contact the international office.

Application deadlines

Selection process (portfolio review)

Winter semester 2024/25: April 15th, 2024 to May 1st, 2024
Summer semester 2025: October 15th, 2024 to November 1st, 2024

Online application

Winter semester 2024/25: Estimated as of now for mid-May 2024 to June 15th, 2024
Summer semester 2025: Estimated as of now for mid-November 2024 to December 15th, 2024