Fach­be­reich Wirtschaft


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Ausgewählte Publikationen des Fach­be­reichs Wirtschaft

Abid, G., Contreras, F., Rank S, & Ilyas, S. (2023). Sustainable leadership and wellbeing of healthcare personnel: A sequential mediation model of procedural knowledge and compassion. Frontiers in Psychology. 13:1039456. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2022.1039456

Antomo, J. (2023). Kinderehengesetz in Karlsruhe – verfassungswidrig, aber nur ein bisschen. In Neue Juristische Wochenschrift, 1474-1477

Antomo, J. & Mayer, C. (2023). Anerkennung und Wirksamkeit europäischer Vertragsscheidungen: Was bedeutet das EuGH-Urteil in der Rechtssache TB für die standesamtliche Praxis. In Das Standesamt, 161-166.

Antomo, J., Duden, K., Dutta, A., Helms, T. & Mayer, C. (2023). Internationales Abstammungsrecht – Eine Einführung. In Das Stadesamt, 293-303

Antomo, J., Duden, K., Dutta, A., Helms, T., Hettich, M., Krömer, K., & Mayer, C. (2023). Stellungnahme zum Referentenentwurf eines Gesetzes zur Änderung des Ehenamens- und Geburtsnamensrechts. In Das Standesamt, 166-169.

Antomo, J., Duden, K., Dutta, A., Helms, T. & Mayer, C. (2023). Stellungnahme zum Vorschlag der Kommission für eine neue Verordnung zum Internationalen Abstammungsrecht vom 07.12.2022 (COM[2022] 695 final). In Das Standesamt, 141-143.

Antomo, J. (2023). Kommentierung der Art. 1-3 Brüssel Ia-VO. In V. Vorwerk & C. Wolf (Eds.), Beck’scher Online Kommentar ZPO. C. H. Beck.

Antomo, J., Duden, K., Dutta, A., Helms, T. & Mayer, C. (2023). Internationales Abstammungsrecht in Deutschland, in: Duden et al. (Hrsg.), Eltern in ganz Europa – Perspektiven eines einheitlichen Internationalen Abstammungsrechts in Europa, Wolfgang Metzner, 9-36.

Bals, L., Huang, F., Tate, W. L. & Rosca, E. (2023). Creating social value at the bottom of the pyramid: elaborating resource orchestration via social intermediaries. Journal of Business Research, 168, Artikel 114209. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2023.114209

Carle, H., Scheuer, C.-L., & Swartz, S. (2023). Was transitioning to the virtual environment worth it? Effects of different virtual team projects during the COVID-19 pandemic. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning, https://doi.org/10.1108/HESWBL-12-2022-0285

Cardon, P., Fleischmann, C., Logemann, M., Heidewald, J., Aritz, J., & Swartz, S. (2023). Competencies needed by business professionals in the AI age: Character and communication lead the way. Business and Professional Communication Quarterly. pp. 1-24. https://doi.org/10.1177/23294906231208166

Cassar, V., Tracz-Krupa, K., Przytula, S., Rank, S., Fabri, S., & Bezzina, F. (2023). Placing data analytics into the HRM leaders’ tool kit: Practitioners’ views of data analytics. Psychology of Leaders and Leadership. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/mgr0000145

Dahm, K. (2023). Naturwissenschaftliches Arbeitsrecht oder: Wie lange dauert eine Schwangerschaft iSd Mutterschutzgesetzes?. In Recht der Arbeit, Heft 5, 311-316

Dahm, K. (2023). §§ 1-34 MuSchG (Gesetzeskommentierung). In C. Rolfs, R. Kreikebohm, M. Meßling & P. Udsching (Eds.). Arbeitsrecht (pp. 67-70). C.H. Beck.

Dahm, K. (2023). § 77, 87-102, 104 und 105 BetrVG (Gesetzeskommentierung). In M. Löwisch, D Kaiser, & S. Klumpp (Eds.). Betriebsverfassungsgesetz (Vol. 2, 8th ed.). Fachm. Recht und Wirtschaft.

Grochola, N., Browne, M. J., Gründl, H., & Schlütter, S. (2023). Exploring the market risk profiles of US and European stock insurers. Risk Management and Insurance Review. 26(3), 287-341.

Hauck, M., Manzoor, A., & Pagel, S. (2023). Effects of Diversity in Human Curated Content for PSM: ARD-M Dataset. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Learning and Evaluating Recommendations with Impressions Co-Located with the 17th ACM Conference on Recommender Systems 2023, 34-40.

Henseler, J., Schmidt, H., & Redler, J. (2023). Design Science and Marketing: A Perfect Couple. Journal of Creating Value, Special Issue on Design Science, 1–6.

Horbach, F., Neis, P., Pagel, S., Schneider, K., Schwager, G., & Beutler, R. (2023).  5GMedia2Go - Ortsbezogene Bewegtbild-Nutzung in Fahrzeugen mittels Georeferenzierung und Location Score. In FKT (7), 32-38.

Huschens, M., Briesch, M., Sobania, D., & Rothlauf, F. (2023). Do You Trust ChatGPT? - Perceived Credibility of Human and AI-Generated Content. arXiv preprint arXiv:2309.02524.

Kärcher, A. & Walser, M. (2023). Vereinbarkeit eines Direktanstellungsgebots in der Paketzustellung mit dem Verfassungs- und Unionsrecht, HSI-Working Paper Nr. 18/September 2023.

Kärcher, A. & Walser, M. (2023). Grenzüberschreitender Austausch von Sozialversicherungsdaten. Rahmenbedingungen und Reformoptionen sozialer Sicherung bei Entsendung, Working Paper Forschungsförderung der Hans Böckler Stiftung Nr. 295/August 2023.

Kärcher, A. & Walser, M. (2023). Sozialversicherungsdaten bei Entsendung. Kurzgutachten zur Reform der grenzüberschreitenden Koordination sozialer Sicherung, Working Paper Forschungsförderung der Hans Böckler Stiftung Nr. 294/Juli 2023.

Kärcher, A. & Walser, M. (2023). Social security data for posting of workers, Working Paper Forschungsförderung der Hans Böckler Stiftung Nr. 293/Juni 2023.

Koch, F., Höllen, M., Konrad, E.D. & Kock, A. (2023). Innovation in the creative industries: Linking the founder’s creative and business orientation to innovation outcomes. CIM – Creativity and Innovation Management, 32(2), 281-297.

Lennartz, W., Ortner, J., Velthuis, A., & Velthuis, V. (2023). Wertorientierte Performancemessung im Rahmen der Investitionssteuerung - ein integrativer Ansatz. Controlling, Zeitschrift für erfolgsorientierte Unternehmenssteuerung, 35(1), 28-34.

Mégane, J., Lourenço, N., Machado, P. & Schweim, D. (2023). The Influence of Probabilistic Grammars on Evolution. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Companion, Lissabon, Portugal, July 15-19. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2023.

Mehler-Bicher, A. & Steiger, L. (2023). Augmented Reality im Vertrieb. In L. Binckebanck & R.  Elste (Eds.). Digitalisierung im Vertrieb: Strategien zum Einsatz neuer Technologien in Vertriebsorganisationen, (2nd ed.). Springer.

Mitzscherling, C. & Hillebrandt, I. (2023). Corporate Social Responsibility Marketing in the Fashion Industry, Proceedings Summer AMA Online, San Francisco, USA.

Redler, J. (2023). Kommunikation des Handels: Einladung zum Perspektivwechsel und Einführung zum Themenschwerpunkt dieser Ausgabe. Transfer – Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenführung, 69(1), 6-11.

Redler, J., & Corvino, M. (2023). The significance of digital twins for the comprehensive brand experience. Journal of Brand Strategy, 12(1), 1-20.

Reiter, J., Schweim, D., & Wittenberg, D. (2023). Pretraining Reduces Runtime in Denoising Autoencoder Genetic Programming by an Order of Magnitude. In Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Companion, Lissabon, Portugal, July 15-19. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2023.

Rossner, A., Pagel, S., & Dörner, R. (2023). User-Centered Evaluation of Machine Learning vs. Human Decisions - Identifying Emotional Highlights in Reality TV Formats. Mensch und Computer 2023. In Proceedings of the Workshop on User-Centered Artificial Intelligence 2023; https://doi.10.18420/muc2023-mci-ws16-393. GI. MCI-WS16 - UCAI 2023

Schlütter, S., Fianu, E. S., & Gründl, H. (2023). Responsible investments in life insurers’ optimal portfolios under solvency constraints. Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft, (1), 53-81.

Stephan, R., Hilgert, H. und Hillebrandt, I. (2023). Satisfaction with the Use of Chatbots: A cross-generational Comparison, Proceedings EMAC, Odense, DK

Stöcklin, J. & Hillebrandt, I. (2023). Determining Ideal Timings and Lengths of Advertisements to Optimize Promotional Effectiveness, Proceedings Winter AMA Online, Nashville, USA.

Swartz, S. (2023). “Experiential learning using short-term global virtual team projects.” Conference proceedings 9th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd’23), 245- 253. http://dx.doi.org/10.4995/HEAd23.2023.16070

Walser, M. (2023). Fremdpersonaleinsatz bei Ganztagsangeboten in Schulen – Ein Fall für das AÜG?, Recht der Jugend und des Bildungswesens, 71(2), 231–248.

Walser, M. & Kärcher, A. (2023). Die nationalen Verfahren rund um die A1-Bescheinigung im europäischen Kontext. Status quo, Reformbedarf und Reformoptionen, Zeitschrift für europäisches Sozial- und Arbeitsrecht, (11), 425-431.

Walser, M. (2023). § 113 Arbeitnehmerüberlassung. In O. Deinert, J. Wenckebach, & B. Zwanziger (Eds.). Arbeitsrecht, Handbuch für die Praxis (11. ed.). Bund.

Walser, M. (2023). § 1b AÜG (Gesetzeskommentierung). In D. Ulber & J. Ulber (Eds.).  Arbeitnehmerüberlassungsgesetz (6th ed.). Bund.


Bals, L., & Rosca, E. (2022). Resource-based view. In Handbook of Theories for Purchasing, Supply Chain and Management Research (pp. 106-117). Edward Elgar Publishing.

Bals, L., Tate, W. & Ellram, L. (2022). Circular Economy Supply Chains: From Chains to Systems. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Bals, L., Tate, W. & Ellram, L. (2022). Introduction to Circular Economy Supply Chains: From Supply Chains to Value Systems. In Circular Economy Supply Chains: From Chains to Systems. Emerald Publishing Limited, 3-27. Emerald Publishing Limited.

Becht, J. und Hillebrandt, I. (2022). Whats your Purpose_An Analysis of the Effects of Communicating Corporate Purpose, Proceedings Summer AMA (Hybrid), Chicago, USA.

Borchert, S. & Wiltinger, K. (2022). Die Bedeutung von Objectives and Key Results im agilen Kontext unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Rolle des Controllings. In S. Behringer (Hrsg.). Konferenzband CARF Luzern 2022 - Controlling. Accounting. Risiko. Finanzen. (S. 45-65). Luzern: Hochschule Luzern.

Brunnbauer, M., Piller, G., & Rothlauf, F. (2022). Top-Down or Explorative? A Case Study on the Identification of AI Use Cases. PACIS 2022 Proceedings. 161. https://aisel.aisnet.org/pacis2022/161

Dahm, K. (2022). §§ 1-34 MuSchG  (Gesetzskommentierung). In C. Rolfs, R. Giesen, R. Kreikebohm, M. Meßling, & P. Udsching (Eds.). Arbeitsrecht. C.H. Beck, 63-66

Dahm, K., & Kazmierczak, L. (2022). Die nötige Reform des Entgelttransparenzgesetzes, ZESAR, 7,  261-266

Hehn, M., & Born, J. (2022). Unternehmensverkäufe: Der Transaktionsprozess. WISU – Das Wirtschaftsstudium, 8-9, 920 – 927

Heyder, C. und Hillebrandt, I. (2022). The Effects of Viral Video Ads on Brand-Related Outcomes, Proceedings Winter AMA (Online), Las Vegas, USA.

Horbach, F., Visca, D., Pagel, S., & Neis, P. (2022). Methods for Georeferencing Linear and Non-Linear Media Content, GI_Forum, 12(2), 66-72.

Kemmeter S. & Hohenberger R. (2022). Business Analytics im Controlling – Chancen und Herausforderungen für den Mittelstand. Controlling, 3, 81-84.

Kemmeter S., & /Meyer C. (2022). Unternehmensveräußerungen während Konjunkturabschwüngen – Desinvestitionsstrategien in der Corona-Krise. KSI - Krisen-, Sanierungs- und Insolvenzberatung, 5, 215-221

Knight, L., Tate, W., Carnovale, S., Di Mauro, C., Bals, L., Caniato, F., Gualandris, J., Johnsen, T., Matopoulos, A., Meehan, J., Miemczyk, J., Patrucco, A., Schoenherr, T., Selviaridis, K., Touboulic, A. & Wagner, S. M. (2022). Future business and the role of purchasing and supply management: Opportunities for ‘business-not-as-usual’ PSM research, Journal of Purchasing & Supply Management – Notes and Debates, 28(1).

Konrad, E.D., & Vecco, M. (2022). Entrepreneurship in Culture: Concepts, Perspectives, Success Factors. In Y. Jung, N. Vakharia, & M. Vecco (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Arts and Cultural Management. Oxford University Press, C41.S1–C41.N9

Krämer, H. und Hillebrandt, I. (2022). The current research status of voice assistants in the context of voice marketing: A systematic literature review, Proceedings Winter AMA (Online), Las Vegas, USA.

Krämer, H. und Hillebrandt, I. (2022). A Bibliometric Analysis in the Area of Voice Marketing, Proceedings Summer AMA (Hybrid), Chicago, USA.

Lakies, T., & Walser, M. (2022). § 5 TVG Anhang 2: Arbeitnehmer-Entsendegesetz. In W. Däubler (ed.). Tarifvertragsgesetz mit Arbeitnehmer-Entsendegesetz, 5. Aufl., Nomos. 

Lellinger, C., Hauck, M., & Pagel, S. (2022). Nutzerorientierte Analyse der Transparenz von Personalisierungsverfahren in deutschen Mediatheken. In C. Heinze (ed.). Daten, Plattformen und KI als Dreiklang unserer Zeit - Tagungsband Herbstakademie 2022, Oldenburger Verlag für Wirtschaft, Informatik und Recht, 135-150.

Logemann, M., Aritz, J., Cardon, P., Swartz, S., Terri Elhaddaoui, T., Getchell, K., Fleischmann, C. Helens-Hart, R., Li, X., Juan Carlos Palmer-Silveira, J. C., Ruiz-Garrido, M., Springer, S., & Stapp, J. (2022). Standing strong amid a pandemic: How a global online team project stands up to the public health crisis. British Journal of Educational Technology, 53(3), 577-592.

Mehler-Bicher, A., Steiger, L., & Weitzel, D. (2023). Mixed Reality Applications in Business Contexts. IntechOpen. doi: 10.5772/intechopen.106582

Müller, T., Piller, G., Rothlauf, F. (2022). Efficient Access Control to Parking Space for Different Customer Segments. Digital Business and Intelligent Systems. Baltic DB&IS 2022. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 1598. Springer, Cham.

Neundörfer, M. & Wiltinger, K. (2022). Den Controlling-Bereich neu aufstellen. Controlling & Management Review, 66(6), S. 16 - 23.

Orth, P. (2022). The early stage of digital technology adoption: What are the key activities for identifying digital innovations? Proceedings of the 28th Americas Conference on Information Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA.

Ostmeier, E. & Strobel, M. (2022). Building skills in the context of digital transformation: How industry digital maturity drives proactive skill development. Journal of Business Research, 139, 718-730.

Pagel, S., Labonté, M. S., Höfer, E., Lellinger, C., & Rossner, A. (2022). Disziplinenübergreifende Teams bei der nutzerzentrierten Entwicklung von Digitalprodukten in der Medienbranche. In K. Weber, & S.  Reinheimer, Stefan (eds.). Faktor Mensch, Springer Vieweg, 253-274.

Paulusch, J., & Schlütter, S. (2022). Sensitivity-implied tail-correlation matrices. Journal of Banking & Finance, 134, 106333.

Rank, S., & Palframan, J. (2021). Internal Corporate Social Responsibility Preferences of Young Job Seekers with Regard to Sustainable HRM: Are These CSR Preferences Related to Their Personal Value Orientations?. Journal of Intercultural Management, 13(4), 34-62.

Redler, J., Hillebrandt, I., & Holland, H. (2022). Zur Überbewertung des Dialogcharakters von Social Media. Transfer – Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenführung, 88(1). 16-23.

Redler, J., & Schmidt, H. J. (2022). I know that I know nothing: exploring the managerial relevance of recent orientations in brand management research. Journal of Brand Management, 29(5), 498-511.

Rosca, E., Tate, W., Bals, L., Huang, K. & Ciulli, F. (2022). Coordinating multi-level collective action: How intermediaries and digital governance can help supply chains tackle grand challenges, International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 42(12), 1937-1968.

Rosinus, A. (2021). Today’s wine industry: Sparkling ideas or business as usual? An empirical study of German SMEs. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference of the AWBR, 2021, 13-15.

Rossner, A., Lellinger, C., Denkel, V., Köhler, J., Schramm, P., & Pagel, S. (2022). AI4MediaData – Von Data Thinking zu datengestützten Entscheidungshilfen. FKT - Fernseh- und Kinotechnik, 10, 30-36.

Rossner, A., Kuhn, M., Fisseler, J., März, F., Denkel, V., Köhler, J., Hauck, M., & Pagel, S. (2022). Asset Match –  Datengestützte Entscheidungshilfen für Empfehlungen in Medienunternehmen. FKT – Fernseh- und Kinotechnik, 11, 33-38.

Rossner, A. Horbach, F., Redlinger, P., Loucas, A., Schramm, P., Hauck, M., & Pagel, S. (2022).  Highlight Search – Identifizierung emotionaler Highlights in Reality-TV-Formaten. FKT – Fernseh- und Kinotechnik, 12, 30-35.

Schorer, M. und Hillebrandt, I. (2022). Tell Me More_The Importance of Voice Assistants for Marketing and Branding, Proceedings Summer AMA (Hybrid), Chicago, USA.

Schulze, H., Bals, L. & Warwick, J. (2022). A Sustainable Sourcing Competence Model for Purchasing and Supply Management Professionals, Operations Management Research, 15, 1418-1444.

Schulze, H., Bals, L. & Warwick, J. (2021). Teaching Sustainable Purchasing and Supply Management Competences Using Critical Incidents, Operations Management Education Review, 15, 201-222.

Schulze, H., Bals, L. & Warwick, J. (2021). Applying Critical Incidents in Sustainable Purchasing and Supply Management Competence Development, Operations Management Education Review, 15,  223-246.

Schweim, D., Wittenberg, D., & Rothlauf, F. (2022). On Sampling Error in Genetic Programming. Natural Computing Journal, 21(2), 173–186.

Schweim, D., Sobania, D., & Rothlauf, F. (2022). Effects of the Training Set Size: A Comparison of Standard and Down-Sampled Lexicase Selection in Program Synthesis. IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation.

Schweim, D., Sobania, D., & Rothlauf, F. (2022). Program Synthesis with Evolutionary Algorithms: Status Quo. Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Companion, Boston, MA, USA, July 9-13. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 2022.

Schweim, D., Hemberg, E., Sobania, D., & O'Reilly, U. (2022). Exploiting Knowledge from Code to Guide Program Search. Genetic Programming – 25th European Conference, EuroGP 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Vol. 13223, S. 267-277.

Sobania, D., Schweim, D., & Rothlauf, F. (2022). A Comprehensive Survey on Program Synthesis with Evolutionary Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation
Tate, W. L., Ellram, L. M., & Bals, L. (2022). Handbook of Theories for Purchasing, Supply Chain and Management Research. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Tate, W. L., Lisa M. Ellram & Bals, L. (2022). Introduction to the Handbook of Theories for Purchasing, Supply Chain and Management Research. In Handbook of Theories for Purchasing, Supply Chain and Management Research, 1-11. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Walser, M. (2022). Grenzüberschreitende Dimension – Der Weg der Sozialkassenverfahren nach Europa. Soziales Recht (SR), Sonderausgabe März 2022, 29-43.

Walser, M. (2022). Vereinbarkeit eines Boykott-Verbots mit Art. 11 EMRK. Europäische Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht (EuZA), 339-351.

Wiltinger, K. (2022). Digitales Marketingcontrolling: Instrumente für die Erfolgskontrolle des digitalen Marketings. In R. Gleich (Hrsg.). Prozess- und Funktionscontrolling, pp.  91-108, Haufe.


Addisu L., Narayan, S., Rosca E., & Bals, L. (2021): Creating Social Value for the ‘Base of the Pyramid’: An Integrative Review and Research Agenda, Journal of Business Ethics, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10551-020-04710-2.

Bals, L., & Turkulainen, V. (2021): Integration of the buyer-supplier interface for global sourcing, accepted at Operations Management Research, 14(3-4), 293-317, https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s12063-021-00205-z.

Bals, L. (2021): Biomimetic Principles for Improved Organizational Information Processing, in: M. Henke & Kohl, H. (Eds.): Sustainability in Global Value Chains – Measures, Ethics, and Best Practices for Responsible Businesses, Kogan Page, pp. 187-208.

Brunnbauer, M., Piller, G., & Rothlauf, F. (2021). Idea-AI: Developing a Method for the Systematic Identification of AI Use Cases. In Proceedings Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), Montreal, Canada.

Dahm, K. (2021). §§ 1741—1772 BGB (Gesetzeskommentar). In D. Kaiser, K. Schnitzler, R. Schilling, & A. Sanders (Eds.), BGB Familienrecht. Band 4. 4. Auflage. Nomos.

Flick, C. (2021). Pauschalwertberichtigungen auf Forderungen von Kreditinstituten, in A. Dutzi, M. F. Gros, K. Nowak, & B. Roese (Eds.). Andreas et al.: Corporate Governance, Rechenschaft und Abschlussprüfung – Festschrift für Hans-Joachim Böcking zum 65. Geburtstag, Beck. pp. 509-516.

Hauck, M., Machhamer, R., Czenkusch, L., Gollmer, K.-U., & Dartmann, G. (2019). Node and Block-Based Development Tools for Distributed Systems With AI Applications. IEEE Access, 7, 143109–143119. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2940113

Kadiyan, H., & Wündsch, F. (2021). Green Gaming: How sustainable is cloud gaming?. In I. Bitran, S. Conn, C. Gernreich, E. Huizingh, M. Torkkeli, & J. Yang (Eds.), Proceedings of the XXXII ISPIM Innovation Conference (pp. 1-19). LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications.

Kärcher, Anneliese (2021). Mitgliederexklusivität oder staatliche Unterstützung? Stärkung der Tarifbindung durch Tarifvertrag und Gesetz. Tagungsbericht. IX. Tarifsymposium der Bauwirtschaft 2021. Neue Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht (NZA). Heft 19, S. XI–XIII.

Konrad, E.D. (2021). Cultural Entrepreneurship – Die Bedeutung von Netzwerken im unternehmerischen Kulturbetrieb, in: H. Mohr, D. Modarressi-Tehrani (Eds.). Museen der Zukunft. Trends und Herausforderungen eines innovationsorientierten Kulturmanagements. transcript. pp. 165-194.

Konrad, E.D,. & Höllen, M. (2021). The regional context in entrepreneurial finance of cultural business: Urban versus rural space for creative and cultural entrepreneurship, in: F. De Molli & M. Vecco (Eds.): The Metamorphosis of Cultural and Creative Organizations. Exploring Change from a Spatial Perspective. Routledge. pp. 155-176.

Mauroner, O., & Kesselberg, J. (2021): Der Einfluss von Open Innovaiton auf die Markenwahrnehmung. transfer - Zeitschrift für Kommunikation und Markenmanagement, 67 (2), 16-22, https://dwg-online.net/download/transfer-02-2021/.

Mauroner, O., & Zschau, L. (2021). Idea Generation and Brainstorming under the Aspect of the New Groupthink - The Differences between Extraverts and Introverts. Journal of Organizational Psychology. 21(4), 41-62. https://www.proquest.com/openview/37cbed2e0745489986be9dd5bd2f9920/1?pq-origsite=gscholar&cbl=1576346.

McIvor, R., & Bals, L. (2021): Reshoring – rationale for linking eclectic theory, the resource-based view and transaction cost economics, International Business Review,  30(6), 101827; 10.1016/j.ibusrev.2021.101827.

Orth, P., Piller, G., & Rothlauf, F. (2021). How Companies Develop a Culture for Digital Innovation: A Multiple-Case Study. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Business Informatics Research 2021, Wien. Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing. 430, 221-235.

Ostmeier, E., & Strobel, M. (2022). Building skills in the context of digital transformation: How industry digital maturity drives proactive skill development. Journal of Business Research, 139, 718-730.

Rank, S., & Contreras, F. (2021). Do millennials pay attention to corporate social responsibility in comparison to previous generations? Are they motivated to lead in times of transformation? A qualitative review of generations, CSR and work motivation. International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, 6, 1-13.

Redler, J., & Hensel, C. (2021). Intercultural Competence in Teaching: The ECII Framework. In C. Brassier-Rodrigues & P. Brassier (Eds.), A collection of pedagogical approaches aimed at developing students' intercultural sensitivity by internationalization at home. Peter Lang. pp. 227-245.

Schlütter, S. (2021). Scenario-based measurement of interest rate risks. The Journal of Risk Finance, 22(1), 56-77.

Schneider, P., Brockmeier, S., Halecker, B., Harmsen, N. J., Kadiyan, H., & Wündsch, F. (2021). Consumers' motivators and barriers for the adoption of plant-based milk. In I. Bitran, S. Conn, C. Gernreich, E. Huizingh, M. Torkkeli, & J. Yang (Eds.), Proceedings of the XXXII ISPIM Innovation Conference (pp. 1-20). LUT Scientific and Expertise Publications.

wartz, S. (2021). Faculty development through collaborative online international learning. In: S. Swartz, B. Barbosa, I. Crawford, & S. Luck (Eds.) Developments in Virtual Learning Environments and the Global Workplace. pp. 335-354. IGI Global. http://doi:10.4018/978-1-7998-7331-0.ch017

Swartz, S., Barbosa, B., Crawford, I., & Luck, S. (Eds.) (2021, June). Developments in  virtual learning environments and the global workplace. IGI Global. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-7998-7331-0

Swartz, S. & Shrivastava, A. (2021). Stepping up the game – meeting the needs of global business through virtual team projects. Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning. https://doi.org/10.1108/HESWBL-02-2021-0037

Wiechens, G., Lorenz, K., & Morawietz, A. (2021). Bilanzierung von derivativen Finanzinstrumenten und Sicherungsbeziehungen nach HGB, in: J. Schulze-Osterloh, J. Hennrichs, J. Wüstemann (Eds.). Handbuch des Jahresabschlusses (HdJ). Otto Schmidt, pp. 1-144.

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Wittstock, A. (2021). Dynamische Investitionsrechnung: Die Kapitalwertmethode. das wirtschaftsstudium, 8-9/21, 905-910.


Baldus, B. (2020). Kommentierung zu § 51a - 51c KWG. In H. Beck, C.-T. Samm, & A. Kokemoor (Eds.), Kreditwesengesetz mit CRR, Müller.

Baldus, B. (2020). Kommentierung zu § 52 KWG. In H. Beck, C.-T. Samm, & A. Kokemoor (Eds.), Kreditwesengesetz mit CRR, Müller.

Schulze, H., & Bals, L. (2020). Implementing sustainable purchasing and supply management (SPSM): A Delphi study on competences needed by purchasing and supply management (PSM) professionals. Journal of Purchasing and Supply Management, 26(4), 100625.

Wieland, A., Bals, L., Mol, M. J., & Handfield, R. B. (2020). Overcoming blind spots in global sourcing research: Exploiting the cross-sections between supply chain management and international business. Journal of International Management, 26(1), 100709.

Rosca, E., Bals, L., Tate, W., & Huang, F. (2020). Resource Management in BOP contexts: Toward a Social Resource Orchestration Theory (SROT). In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2020, No. 1, p. 13069). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.

Bals, L., & Turkulainen, V. (2020). Managing the Buyer-Supplier Interface: Organizational Implications of Global Sourcing. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2020, No. 1, p. 12841). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.

Tate, W., Bals, L., Foerstl, K., & Bals, C. (2020). Using biomimicry in network research, accepted at the 31st POMS conference, Minneapolis, United States.

Rosca, E., Bals, L., Tate, W., & Huang, F. (2020). New Research Frontiers in a Resource Constrained Poverty-Stricken Context: Moving Toward a Social Resource Orchestration Theory, accepted at the 29th IPSERA conference, Tennessee, United States.

Kelly, S., Bals, L., Schulze, H., & Stek, K. (2020). The role of knowledge conversion in developing operational capabilities: An organisational routines perspective, accepted at the 29th IPSERA conference, Tennessee, United States.

Bals, L. (2020). Information Processing for Sustainable Supply Chain Management: A Biomimetic Perspective on Organizational Design in the Circular Economy Context, accepted at the 82th VHB annual conference, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.

Schulze, H., & Bals, L. (2020). Implementing sustainable purchasing and supply management (SPSM): A Delphi study on competences needed by purchasing and supply management (PSM) professionals, accepted at the 82th VHB annual conference, Frankfurt am Main, Germany. 

Flick, C. (2020). Pauschalwertberichtigungen im Kreditgeschäft. Zeitschrift für das gesamte Kreditwesen, 73, 413-416 .

Dahm, K., & Gurlin, L. (2020). Mobbing am Arbeitsplatz: Was kann und muss der Arbeitgeber tun?. Arbeit und Arbeitsrecht, 9, 522-527

Dahm, K. (2020). Die neue Richtlinie zur Vereinbarkeit von Beruf und Privatleben für Eltern und pflegende Angehörige – Erforderliche Neuerungen im deutschen Recht. Europäische Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht, 1, 19-34

Dahm, K. (2020). §§ 1-34 Mutterschutzgesetz (Gesetzeskommentar). In C. Rolfs, R. Giesen, R. Kreikebohm, M. Meßling, & P. Udsching (Eds.), BeckOK Arbeitsrecht, 56-58. Beck

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Dahm, K. (2020). §§ 77, 87-102, 104 and 105 BetrVG (Gesetzeskommentar). In M. Löwisch, D. Kaiser, & S. Klumpp (Eds.), BetrVG, Betriebsverfassungsgesetz, vol. 2, 7. ed., dfv

Höllen, M., Lengfeld, C., & Konrad, E. D. (2020). Business success for creative and cultural entrepreneurs: influences of individual-and firm-related factors on revenue and satisfaction. International Journal of Arts Management, 22(2), 52-65.

Konrad, E.D., & Vecco, M. (2020). Anatomy of Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship: Past, Present and Future. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 40 (2), 147-153.

Höllen, M., Konrad, E.D., & v. Korflesch, H. (2020). Swimming against the tide - The relationship between configurations of success factors and cultural and creative entrepreneurs’ business growth. Presentation and double blind peer reviewed Scientific Paper at "G-FORUM – 24. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship", 28. September bis 02. Oktober 2020, Karlsruhe (Virtual Edition)

Höllen, M., & Konrad, E.D. (2020). Complex Paths to Innovation: How Creative and Cultural Entrepreneurs create innovations with financing and motivational resources. Presentation and double blind peer reviewed Scientific Paper at "IECER – Interdisciplinary European Conference of Entrepreneurship Research", IECER 2020 – A Virtual Community Conversation the “unCONVENTIONal“ October 2020

Höllen, M., Lengfeld, C., Konrad, E.D., & v. Korflesch, H. (2020). The Relationship between Configurations of Entrepreneurial Finance and Cultural Entrepreneurs‘ Survival.  Presentation and double blind reviewed Scientific Paper "EURAM – European Academy of Management" in Dublin, Ireland (Virtual Edition), 4-6 December 2020

Konrad, E.D. (2020). An Analytic View on Entrepreneurial Networking in Music Business. Presentation and double blind reviewed Scientific Paper "EURAM – European Academy of Management" in Dublin, Ireland (Virtual Edition), 4-6 December 2020

Konrad, E.D., Vecco, M., & Moog, P. (2020). Cultural Entrepreneurship – Innovative Issues in Arts Business and Cultural & Creative Industries (CCI). International Journal of Arts Management, 22 (2), 4–6.

Höllen, M., & Konrad, E. D. (2020). Cultural Entrepreneurship and Entrepreurial Finance – Wie gehen Kultur und Kreativschaffende mit dem »wunden Punkt« einer jeden Gründung um? In K. Hölzle, V. Tiberius, & H. Surrey (Eds.), Perspektiven des Entrepreneurships Unternehmerische Konzepte zwischen Theorie und Praxis (pp. 211-220). Schäffer-Poeschel.

Wittstock, A. (2020). Finanzwirtschaftliche Zielkonflikte. Das Wirtschaftsstudium: wisu; Zeitschrift für Ausbildung, Prüfung, Berufseinstieg und Fortbildung, 49(3), 292- 297, 333

Baldus, B. (2020). § 9 KWG (Gesetzeskommentierung). In H. Beck, C.-T. Samm, & A. Kokemoor (Eds.), KWG und CRR, C.F. Müller.

Pöhlmann, K., Helm, R., Mauroner, O., & Auburger, J. (2020). Corporate spin-offs’ success factors: management lessons from a comparative empirical analysis with research-based spin-offs. Review of Managerial Science, 1-30, DOI: 10.1007/s11846-020-00402-3

Zakoth, D., & Mauroner, O. (2020). Industry-Specific Makerspaces: Opportunities for Collaboration and Open Innovation. Management International-Mi, 24(5), 88-99

Mauroner, O., & Warnke, F. (2020). Strategic Design – A Study on the Value Added by Design in an Economic Context, In G. Schiuma (Ed.). Proceedings of the 15th IFKAD – International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, Matera, Italy, 9-11 September 2020, 925-935.

Hauck, M.,  Wild, C., & Pagel, S. (2020). Meta-Analyse von 75 Digitalen Sichtbarkeitsanalysen. In H. Holland. Digitales Dialogmarketing. Grundlagen, Strategien, Instrumente (pp. 361-379). Springer Verlag. doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-28973-7_5-1

Kunz, S., Pagel, S., & Hagenhoff, S. (2020). Ist das ein Buch oder kann das weg?. Leser im Digitalen durch zielgruppengerechte Lesemedien erreichen, begeistern und halten. In J. Müller-Lietzkow (Ed.). Beyond Digital. Zeit für die global vernetzte Echtzeitmedienwirtschaft – Zeit für neue Theorie? (pp. 169-186). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.

Zabel, C., Pagel, S., Telkmann, V., & Rossner, A. (2020). Entwicklung der Webvideo-Branche in Deutschland: Bedeutung von endogenen und exogenen Standortfaktoren für die Ansiedlung von Webvideo-Unternehmen. In J. Müller-Lietzkow (Ed.). Beyond Digital. Zeit für die global vernetzte Echtzeitmedienwirtschaft – Zeit für neue Theorie? (pp. 147-168). Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft.

Simon, T., Pagel, S., & von Korflesch, H. (2020). Einflussfaktoren für die Akzeptanz von digitalen Werkzeugen in den Geisteswissenschaften. MuC’20, September 6–9, 2020, Magdeburg, Germany. doi.org/10.1145/3404983.3405524

Hauck, M., & Pagel, S. (2020). AI Media Technology Landscape – Systematisierungsinstrument für den Einsatz von KI in Medienunternehmen. In Innovation in der Medienproduktion und -distribution - Proceedings der Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe  Medienökonomie der DGPUK 2019 (pp. 55-68). DOI: 10.21241/ssoar.68092.

Kunz, S., Pagel, S., & Hagenhoff, S. (2020). „Aufschlagen, blättern, lesen – really just ONE click away?“ Herausforderungen digitaler Umsetzungs- und Distributionsstrategien von Fachmagazinen. In Innovation in der Medienproduktion und -distribution - Proceedings der Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Medienökonomie der DGPUK 2019 (pp. 176-190). doi.org/10.21241/ssoar.68109.

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Redler J. (2020). Markenführung und Dialogmarketing. In H. Holland (Ed.). Digitales Dialogmarketing (pp. 89-108). SpringerGabler, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-28973-7_5-1

Redler J. (2020). Digital Branding. In H. Holland H. (Ed.). Digitales Dialogmarketing. (pp. 557-580). Springer Gabler, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-28973-7_5-1

Redler J. (2020). Mediaplanung im Dialogmarketing. In H. Holland (Ed.). Digitales Dialogmarketing (pp. 414-440). Springer Gabler, doi.org/10.1007/978-3-658-28973-7_5-1

Scholz, T., Redler, J., & Pagel, S. (2020). Re-designing adaptive selling strategies: the role of different types of shopping companions. Review of Managerial Science, doi.org/10.1007/s11846-020-00385-1

Redler, J. (2020). Customer-Oriented Atmospheric Effects of Online Shops: Relevance for Store Brand Management and Initial Scaling Approaches for the German Market. In H. Schmidt & C. Baumgarth C. (Eds.). Forum Markenforschung 2018 – Tagungsband zur Konferenz “DERMARKENTAG” 2018 (pp. 13-34). SpringerGabler.

Redler, J., & Hurth, J. (2020). Gen Z´s Altruism and Performance Values Link to Private Label Preference: First Evidence from a German Drugstore Sample. Proceedings of 9th International Conference on Business & Economic Development (ICBED), The Business & Management Review, 11(1), 40-50

Hofmann, Y.*, & Strobel, M.* (2020). Transparency goes a long way: Information transparency and its effect on job satisfaction and turnover intentions of the professoriate. Journal of Business Economics, 90(5), 713-732. [*equal contribution]

Strobel, L. T., Strobel, M., & Welpe, I. M. (2020). Innovationen für Arbeit und Leben. Erkenntnisse aus einer Studie der TUM und dem Charta der Vielfalt e. V. OrganisationsEntwicklung, 3(2020), 53-58.

Swartz, S., & Luck, S. (2020, March). Ethical considerations of virtual classroom collaboration. In V. Gonzalez Araujo, R. C. Álvarez Delgado, & Á. Sancho Rodríguez (Eds.) Ethics in Business Communication: New Challenges in the Digital World. 161-176. doi.org/10.3726/b16931

Swartz, S., Luck, S., Barbosa, B., & Crawford, I. (2020). Professional learning through collaborative online international learning. Conference proceedings 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies July 6th-7th, 2020 (virtual). EDULEARN20. ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4, 3564-3571.

Swartz, S. (2020). Do global virtual teams projects benefit students? The answer is yes!. Conference proceedings 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies July 6th-7th, 2020 (virtual). EDULEARN20, 3626-3633.

Crawford, I., Swartz, S., Luck, S., & Barbosa, B. (2020). Employability through experiential delivery of intercultural communication skills online. In J. Domenech, P. Merello, E. de la Poza, & R. Peña-Ortiz, R. (Eds.). Proceedings of the 6th International Higher Education Advances Conference 2020 (HEAd'20), 2-5 June 2020, València, Spain. València: Universitat Politècnica de València [online], 993-1000. doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11185.

Swartz, S., & Reed, H. (2020). Can collaborative online international learning overcome student anxiety during the covid-19 pandemic?. Conference proceedings 13th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation, 9-11 November 2020 (virtual). ICERI2020, ISBN: 978-84-09-24232-0, 2261-2267. doi.org/10.21125/iceri.2020.0542


Bals, L., Schulze, H., Kelly, S., & Stek, K. (2019). Purchasing and supply management (PSM) competencies: Current and future requirements. Journal of purchasing and supply management, 25(5), 100572.

Tate, W. L., Bals, L., Bals, C., & Foerstl, K. (2019). Seeing the forest and not the trees: Learning from nature’s circular economy. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 149, 115-129.

Tate, W. L., Bals, L., & Marshall, D. (2019). Supply chain management at the base of the pyramid. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 49(5), 438-450.

Schulze, H., Bals, L., & Johnsen, T. E. (2019). Individual competences for sustainable purchasing and supply management (SPSM): A literature and practice perspective. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 49(3), 287-304.

Tate, W., Bals, L., & Ellram, L. (Eds.). (2019). Supply chain finance: Risk management, resilience and supplier management. Kogan Page Publishers.

Tate, W.,  Ellram, L., & Bals, L. (2019). Supply chain finance: solutions for financial sustainability, risk management and resilience in the supply chain. In W. Tate, L. Bals,  & L. Ellram (Eds.), Supply Chain Finance: Risk Management, Resilience and Supplier Management: 1-12. Kogan Page

Bals, C., & Bals, L. (2019). Exploring Fragmentation in the SCF Ecosystem. In W. Tate, L. Bals,  & L. Ellram (Eds.), Supply Chain Finance: Risk Management, Resilience and Supplier Management, 207-224. Kogan Page

Dahm, K. (2019). Die Anfechtung des Ehevertrages als parteiliche Inhaltskontrolle: zugleich: Das Scheidungsfolgenrecht als Vertrauenshaftung. Verlag Ernst und Werner Gieseking.

Höllen, M., Konrad, E.D., & v. Korflesch, H. (2019).  Entrepreneurial Finance: Does it matter for the Success of Creative Entrepreneurs? A research study based on mixed methods. Presentation and double blind peer reviewed Scientific Paper at "IECER – Interdisciplinary European Conference of Entrepreneurship Research", Utrecht, Netherlands, 16th – 18th October 2019

Höllen, M., Lengfeld, C., & Konrad, E.D. (2019). Bohemians as Managepreneurs? Success factors for managerial entrepreneurship in the cultural and creative industries. EURAM – European Academy of Management in Lisbon, Portugal, 26-28 June 2019.

Konrad E.D. (2019). Entrepreneurship as Nucleus of an Arts Management Theory. Presentation and double blind peer reviewed Scientific Paper at "11ème congrès de l’Académie de l’Entrepreneuriat et de l’Innovation", Montpellier, France, 3-5 June 2019.

Höllen, M., Konrad, E.D., & v. Korflesch, H. (2019). Entrepreneurial finance: Does it matter for creative entrepreneurs? A research study based on mixed methods. Double blind peer reviewed Scientific Paper at "G-FORUM – 23. Interdisziplinäre Jahreskonferenz zu Entrepreneurship, 26.-27. September 2019, Wien, Österreich.

Haas, I. (2019). Kommentar zum BewG/ ErbStG. In L. Gürsching, A. Stenger, H. Diedenhofen, M.& H.G. Christoffel (Eds.). Bewertungsrecht: BewG, ErbStG; Kommentar. Dr. Otto Schmidt Verlag

Hehn, M., & Hehn-Ginsbach, S. (2019). Crowdfunding. Das Wirtschaftsstudium: wisu; Zeitschrift für Ausbildung, Prüfung, Berufseinstieg und Fortbildung, 7 (7), 791-794
Berrones-Flemmig, C. N., & Mauroner, O. (2019). Understanding social entrepreneurship in developing countries – A multiple case study from Mexico. International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 22(3).

Kunz, S., Pagel, S., & Hagenhoff, S. (2019). Aufschlagen, blättern lesen – really just ONE click away? Analyse der Herausforderungen digitaler Umsetzungs- und Distributionsstrategien deutscher Fachmagazine. Medienwirtschaft, 4(2019), 32-41

Kunz, S., Pagel, S., & Hagenhoff, S. (2019). Ist das ein Buch oder kann das weg? Leser im Digitalen durch zielgruppengerechte Lesemedien erreichen, begeistern und halten. In Beyond Digital. Tagungsband zur Jahrestagung der Fachgruppe Medienökonomie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Publizistik und Kommunikation (DGPuK) 2018. Nomos Verlag Baden-Baden, doi.org/10.5771/9783748905240

Zakoth, D., Best, S., Geiß, R., Helgert, D., Lutzke, P., Mauroner, O., & Pertsch, T. (2019). Open Source Photonics at the Abbe School of Photonics: How Makerspaces foster Open Innovation Processes at Universities," In Fifteenth Conference on Education and Training in Optics and Photonics: ETOP 2019, ETOP 2019 Papers (Optical Society of America, 2019), paper 11143_162.

Mauroner, O. (2019). Gamification in Management and Other Non-Game Contexts—Understanding Game Elements, Motivation, Reward Systems, and User Types. Open Journal of Business and Management, 7(4), pp. 1815-1830.

Mauroner, O., & Zschau, L. (2019). The New Groupthink and Idea Generation – An investigation of hybrid brainstorming as key to introverts’ enhanced contribution to ideation. In G. Schiuma, P. Demartini, & M.R. Yan (Eds.). Proceedings of the 14th IFKAD – International Forum on Knowledge Asset Dynamics, Matera, Italy 5-7 June 2019,  1233-1266.

Hauck, M., & Pagel, S. (2019). AI Media Technology Landscape. Systematisierungsinstrument für den Einsatz von KI in Medienunternehmen. In MedienWirtschaft, 4, 52-64.

Kunz, S. , Pagel, S., & Hagenhoff, S. (2019). „Aufschlagen, blättern lesen – really just ONE click away?“ Analyse der Herausforderungen digitaler Umsetzungs- und Distributionsstrategien deutscher Fachmagazine. In MedienWirtschaft, 4(2019), 2-10.

Simon, T., Dolan, J., Schmitt, A., & Pagel, S. (2019). Usability-Analyse von digitalen Tools und Methoden in den Geisteswissenschaften. In C. Draude, M. Lange, B. Sick (Eds.), INFORMATIK 2019: 50 Jahre Gesellschaft für Informatik – Informatik für Gesellschaft (Workshop-Beiträge). (pp. 107-120). DOI: 10.18420/inf2019_ws11.

Zabel, C., Pagel, S., Telkmann, V., & Rossner, A. (2019). Coming to town. Importance of agglomeration factors for media cluster development in the German online video industry. In Journal of Media Business Studies, DOI: 10.1080/16522354.2019.1699325.

Bremser, C., Piller, G., & Rothlauf, F. (2019). How Smart Cities Explore New Technologies. In Proceedings 18th International Conference on Perspectives in Business Informatics Research, September 2019, Katowice, Poland, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, Vol 365, Springer

Bourcevet, A., Piller, G., Scholz, M., & Wiesemann, J. (2019). Guided Machine Learning for Business Users. In Proceedings 32nd Bled eConference, June 2019, Bled, Slovenia Bremser, C., Helfert, M., & Piller, G. (2019). Technology Adoption in Smart City Initiatives: Starting Points and Influence Factors. In Proceedings 8th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems (SMARTGREENS) 2019, May 2019, Crete, Greece

Redler, J., Esch, F.-R., Langner, T., Tomczak, T., & Kernstock, J. (2019). Management von Corporate Brands, In F.-R. Esch, (Ed.). Handbuch Markenführung (pp. 275-303). SpringerGabler, .

Redler, J., & Esch, F.-R (2019). Management von Markenallianzen, In F.-R. Esch (Ed.).  Handbuch Markenführung (pp. 459-484). SpringerGabler.

Redler, J., Jeck-Schlottmann, G., & Kim, S.-S. (2019). Messung innerer Markenbilder, In F.-R. Esch (Ed.). Handbuch Markenführung (pp. 1153-1183). SpringerGabler.

Esch, F.-R., Tomczak, T., Kernstock, J., Langner, T., & Redler, J. (2019) (Eds.). Corporate Brand Management, SpringerGabler.

Kernstock, J., Esch, F.-R., Tomczak, T., Redler, J., & Langner, T. (2019): Bedeutung des Corporate Brand Management erkennen und Denkschulen verstehen, In F.-R. Esch, T.

Kernstock, J., Esch, F.-R., Tomczak, T., Redler, J., & Langner, T. (2019): Bedeutung des Corporate Brand Management erkennen und Denkschulen verstehen, In F.-R. Esch, T. Tomczak, J. Kernstock, T. Langner, & J. Redler (Eds.): Corporate Brand Management (pp. 3-30). SpringerGabler.

Redler, J. (2019). Markenintegration für Produktmarken im Portfolio anwenden, In F.-R. Esch, T. Tomczak, J. Kernstock, T. Langner, & J. Redler (Eds.): Corporate Brand Management (pp. 211-220). SpringerGabler.

Redler, J., & Esch, F.-R. (2019). Markenkraft in Richtung Shareholder und Kapitalmarkt einsetzen, In F.-R. Esch, T. Tomczak, T., J. Kernstock, T. Langner, & J. Redler (Eds.). Corporate Brand Management (pp. 441-461). SpringerGabler.

Redler, J. (2019). Die digitale Transformation der Markenkommunikation verstehen, einordnen und nutzen, In F.-R. Esch, T. Tomczak, T., J. Kernstock, T. Langner, & J. Redler (Eds.). Corporate Brand Management (pp. 521-560). SpringerGabler.

Redler, J., & Esch, F.-R. (2019). Markenallianzen: Portfoliofremde Marken für die Corporate Brand nutzen,  In F.-R. Esch, T. Tomczak, T., J. Kernstock, T. Langner, & J. Redler (Eds.). Corporate Brand Management (pp. 607-628). SpringerGabler.

Redler, J. (2019). Quer- und Längsschnittmessungen des Corporate Brand Status einsetzen, In F.-R. Esch, T. Tomczak, T., J. Kernstock, T. Langner, & J. Redler (Eds.). Corporate Brand Management (pp. 665-689). SpringerGabler.

Redler, J. (2019). Brand-Mapping-Ansätze zur Markendiagnose kennen,  In F.-R. Esch, T. Tomczak, T., J. Kernstock, T. Langner, & J. Redler (Eds.). Corporate Brand Management (pp. 691-722). SpringerGabler.

Esch, F.-R., Tomczak, T., Kernstock, J., Langner, T., & Redler, J. (2019) (Eds.). Corporate Brand Management, 4th ed., SpringerGabler.

Redler, J. (2019): Online Visual Merchandising (OVM), In WiSt-Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 48(10), 52-54.

Schlütter, S. (2019). Optimal taxation in non-life insurance markets. The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review , 44(1), 1-26.

Ostmeier, E., & Strobel, M. (2019). Antecedents of Individual Ambidexterity: The Roles of Career Variety and Job Attributes. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2019, No. 1, 16932). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management. journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/AMBPP.2019.16932abstract

Strobel, L. T., Strobel, M., & Welpe, I. M. (2019). Shaping Creative Contexts: How Creative Leadership Modes Affect Innovation Behavior and Satisfaction. In Academy of Management Proceedings (1), 11777. Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management. journals.aom.org/doi/abs/10.5465/AMBPP.2019.11777abstract

Luck, S., Swartz, S., Barbosa, B., & Crawford, I. (2019). Does my country’s social media work for you? A virtual team project with an international twist. Conference proceedings Developments in Business Simulation and Experiential Learning, (46), 58-61. https://journals.tdl.org/absel/index.php/absel/article/view/3211

Swartz, S., Barbosa, B., & Crawford, I. (2019). Building intercultural competence through virtual team collaboration across global classrooms, Business and Professional Communication Quarterly, 1-23. doi.org/10.1177/2329490619878834

Swartz, S., Luck, S., Barbosa, B., & Crawford, I. (2019). Professional Learning Experiences through COIL: A Faculty Perspective. Conference proceedings Assessing Impact through Research, International Virtual Exchange Conference (1), 19-24.

Barbosa, B., Swartz, S., Luck, S., Prado-Mezad, C., & Crawford, I. (2019). Learning how to work in multicultural teams: Students’ insights on Internationalization-at-Home activities. Interpersona | An International Journal on Personal Relationships, (13), 205-219. doi.org/10.5964/ijpr.v13i2.378


Goebel, P., Reuter, C., Pibernik, R., Sichtmann, C., & Bals, L. (2018). Purchasing managers' willingness to pay for attributes that constitute sustainability. Journal of Operations Management, 62, 44-58.

Fayezi, S., Zomorrodi, M., & Bals, L. (2018). Procurement Sustainability Tensions: An Integrative Perspective. International Journal of Physical Distribution & Logistics Management, 48(6), 586-609.

Tate, W. L., & Bals, L. (2018). Achieving shared triple bottom line (TBL) value creation: toward a social resource-based view (SRBV) of the firm. Journal of Business Ethics, 152(3), 803-826.

Bals, L., & Tate, W. L. (2018). Sustainable supply chain design in social businesses: advancing the theory of supply chain. Journal of Business Logistics, 39(1), 57-79.

Schulze, H., & Bals, L. (2018). Implementing sustainable purchasing and supply management (SPSM): A Delphi study on skills and competences needed by purchasing and supply management professionals, presented at the 8th International Conference for Sustainability and Responsibility, Cologne, Germany.

Tate, W., Bals, L., Bals, C., & Foerstl, K. (2018). Seeing the Forest and Not the Trees: Learning from Nature’s Circular Economy, presented at the 9th European Decision Sciences Institute (EDSI) Conference, Udine/Venice, Italy.

Tate, W., Bals, L., Bals, C., & Foerstl, K. (2018). Seeing the Forest and Not the Trees: Learning from Nature’s Circular Economy, presented at Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), Chicago, USA.

Bals, C., & Bals, L. (2018). From Islands to Networks: Exploring Fragmentation in the SCF Ecosystem, presented at the 27th IPSERA conference, Athens, Greece.

Tate, W., Bals, L., Foerstl, K., & Bals, C. (2018). Seeing the Forest and Not the Trees: Learning from Nature’s Circular Economy, presented at the 27th IPSERA conference, Athens, Greece.

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Höllen, M., & Konrad, E.D. (2018). Gründungsfinanzierung jenseits der kreativen Cluster Strukturmerkmale und Handlungsansätze bei der Finanzierung und Förderung der Kultur- und Kreativwirtschaft im ländlichen Raum. In K. Wolter, D. Schiller, & C. Hesse (Eds.). Kreative Pioniere in ländlichen Räumen Innovation & Transformation zwischen Stadt & Land (pp. 202-238). Steinbeis-Edition.

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Höllen, M., Konrad, E.D., & v. Korflesch, H. (2018). The Choice of Entrepreneurial Finance and its Relationship to Cultural Entrepreneurs’ Success. "RENT – XXXVII (Research on entrepreneurship and on small and medium-sized enterprises)" in Toledo, Spain, 14-16 November 2018.

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